Create Mid-life On Your Terms

Do you feel like you’re unravelling and you’re craving…
  • Trusting that you’re on solid ground? (as right now everything frankly feels a bit shaky)
  • Stability and a sense of certainty? (as at the moment you’re beginning to question everything you’ve always taken for granted)
  • Clarity on what you REALLY want from this next stage of life? (as you realise your time on this planet is finite)
  • Knowing you’re making a difference and creating a “life well lived”? (as self-doubt creeps in and you wonder if you’ve done and been enough)
  • Comfort and ease in your body? (as the physical and emotional changes of peri/menopause leave you untethered)

  • Wishing you could find the unconventional, rule-breaking human you used to be? (as that person seems to have got lost along the way)

Well the good news is you’ve come to the right place, I completely get it…

At 52 peri-menopause started to seep into my life, and at first I did my utmost to just ignore it. My logic being: if I didn’t address menopause then I couldn’t be in it, right?!

It took a day-long menopause yoga workshop with a small group of fellow mid-life women to start to accept the changes AND do so on my own terms.

There is nothing “inevitable” about how you feel about this stage of life, and as always, there is room for nuance, embracing the challenges as well as the relief (and excitement) that you can create your own way going forward.

Mid-life IS a time of big change, not just on a physical level but definitely emotionally too…

The ways you’ve always coped in life no longer feel like effective strategies, and you’re beginning to see them for what they are – coping mechanisms.

(To be honest they were probably developed a long time ago, when you didn’t have the resources or perspectives that you do now, so it’s not surprising they are no longer working).

It is completely understandable that your sense of self feels to be on shaky ground. In mid-life your self-concept is re-forming as you adapt to and make peace with the changes it brings.


The Mid-Life Reset gives you the time to…

  • Focus on YOU (there could be a lot to unravel and you need the space to do this)

  • Re-evaluate where you are in life (take stock and celebrate what you’ve done to get this far you brilliant human)

  • Integrate all the different parts of you (who hasn’t got an inner child that longs to be heard – or is that just me?!)

  • Space to test out new ideas of who you want to be (or re-kindle the feisty non-conforming human you’ve always been!)

  • Actively choose to let go of what’s no longer working and focus on what you REALLY want in your life

The Mid-Life Reset empowers mid-life women just like you to be their biggest, boldest, bad-assed selves!

Together we’ll do this by gently navigating the self-doubt stories that are holding you back (they are NOT YOU, they are just trying to keep you safe).

I believe coaching should be fun and not some kind of prescriptive self-development! I want you to feel welcomed and seen so you feel safe bringing all of yourself to the sessions, including the vulnerable parts.

Most importantly I trust that YOU are the expert on your own life and have the answers within you.

The main outcome of my sessions has been my ability to identify negative belief patterns that I had been holding unconsciously.  My confidence increased directly due to the processes that Kate used to help me with my anxiety and fear. I really enjoyed the process and coming up with a practical plan for helping reach and actualize my goal.

Erica Richardson TestimonialErica Richardson, Colorado, USA

We will likely be a great fit if:

  • You are a woman in mid-life or beyond, struggling with what this stage of your life might bring

  • You value intersectional feminism and are committed to working towards being inclusive

  • You want to work with a coach who understands this life stage and has personally been “in the trenches”

  • You are open to looking at doing things differently and being radically responsible for the choices you make in your life

  • You are ready to look at your self-doubt stories and gently take small brave actions to build self-belief

We will probably (definitely) NOT be a good fit if:

  • You are younger, and looking for support with life choices in your 20s or 30s. (Note: I can happily recommend other self-belief coaches you could meet)

  • You think intersectional feminism is a load of hogwash

  • You want someone to wave a magic wand and “fix” you

  • You are not open to change and think life “happens to you” – and don’t want the responsibility for owning your life choices

  • You don’t want to look at your feelings at any cost, and don’t think they relate to taking action

What’s included

  • Pre-session questionnaire – to get to the heart of who you are right now and the issue/s you are struggling with. So that you have the opportunity to get clear and tell me what you want to focus on in coaching.

  • Self-Belief Archetypes Quiz – discover your top 3 Archetypes (I’ll send you PDF files of each to discuss in our first session). So that you can understand how your own flavour of self-doubt is personal to you and makes complete sense.

  • 90-minute Self-Belief Foundation Session – We’ll explore your top 3 Self-Belief Archetypes to get an understanding of how your self-doubt shows up. Then we’ll look at where you are, and where you want to be, to provide focus for our future sessions together. So that you get a deep dive into your life, and introduction into how self-doubt may be getting in your way.

  • Fortnightly 60-minute sessions  – regular, undivided attention on you and your life throughout the 3 or 6 months we work together.

  • Support between sessions by Voxer (the free walkie-talkie app). So that you can ask me questions, share wins, and sense check what you are working on in coaching, at any time between sessions.

How it works

  1. Book a Discovery Call to see if we’re a good fit
  2. Once you’ve decided you want to go ahead, book your Mid-Life Reset Programme online (option to pay for your programme up front or in monthly instalments), and choose the times for your sessions
  3. Complete your pre-session questionnaire ahead of the first session (don’t worry it’s part of the automated booking process – you’ll be reminded!)
  4. I’ll also send you the Self-Belief Archetypes Quiz, and once complete send you the PDF files of your top three
  5. Your first session will be 90 minutes, and following sessions will be 60 minutes

Your Investment

I really enjoyed working with Kate because she is very compassionate, direct in her observations and very easy to communicate with. I was really surprised to discover and pinpoint the reasons and periods through my life that have kept me believing in my self-doubt and not being able to believe in myself.  I highly recommend Kate Bacon because she has quite a sense of humor too.

Diana Alfaro MarkhamDiana Alfaro-Markham, California, USA

Who am I and why am I here talking to you about mid-life self-belief?

Hey I’m Kate, and I’m a self-belief coach specialising in supporting mid-life women re-discover who they are and what they want, to create brilliant, purposeful lives for their next chapter.

I hate that once you get to “middle-age” the world sees you as “past it” and of no bloody value. So it’s my mission to help you go ALL IN ON YOUR LIFE.

Hell you’ve (likely) got to more than half way through your years on this planet and I’m SURE you don’t want to just drift through the rest without purpose!

Let’s start a revolution of cool-assed middle years humans defiantly living our best lives on OUR terms!

Renegade human I KNOW you are fed up being where you are.

In Chinese Medicine this stage of life is called the “Second Spring” and is a time for wisdom and renewal. (To my “woo woo” side this makes complete sense).

Are you ready to get back to being that badass and renegade human?

Are you excited to find a sense of genuine groundedness and self-acceptance?

Are you relieved to know that you really can create mid-life on YOUR terms?

(Please note, it is completely understandable that your self-doubt might show up in taking the next step and exploring coaching, and please know that you can address this with me at any time).

You have the Q’s, I have the A’s…

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If I haven’t answered your question here please contact me.

Ready to get this show on the road?

I can’t wait to meet you! Book a free 30-minute Discovery Call with me on Zoom – I’ll answer any questions you may have, and (most importantly) we can see if we’re a good fit.